Religious Leaders

A Personal Note From Myself
Concerning:  Religious Leaders
Monday, November 16, 2009
These are my personal feelings, being posted for the first time, since I started this Website.
It is something I really feel compelled to add to this page.
     This past Sunday night, knowing I was going to be off work Monday, I stayed up late, watching some religious programs, hopefully, trying to find some Spiritual nourishment. Well, guess what I saw??? I’m going to list them:
1.  I saw people, claiming to be religious leaders, asking for money, money and more money. I felt like they were absolute thieves…  I felt they were robbing people of their basis needs of life and it is wrong…
2.  I saw people, claiming to be religious leaders, teaching a false way or no way of Salvation. They are stealing the way of Eternal Salvation from the people and it is wrong…
3.  I saw people, claiming to be religious leaders, teaching a false way of the Christian life. They are cheating people out of the Spiritual Joy and Peace they can have in this life and it is wrong…
4.  I saw people, claiming to be religious leaders, teaching a false path of the religious Christian life whereby they may have an inheritance in the Kingdom of God, the Eternal City and it is wrong…
I hope you consider this Website worth your time!!!
  • #1.  Church Member: Are you getting your monies worth from your Pastor/Preacher/Priest/Rabbi/Spiritual Leader?
  • #2.  Pastor/Preacher/Priest/Rabbi/Spiritual Leader: Are you giving the people their monies worth?
I’m talking about what’s important…the Spiritual aspect of it all!!!
It’s Not About The Money…
Because the Money will Perish with the Earth.
Your Soul Lives Forever and You Need The Spiritual
Word of God Presented to You
From Your
Pastor/Preacher/Priest/Rabbi/Spiritual Leader!!!
 Dear Visitor:  Are you getting the “Spiritual Word of God”
from your
Pastor/Preacher/Priest/Rabbi/Spiritual Leader???
If not, Why not???
And Again I Say
If not, Why not????
Why doesn’t the person teach you the Truth???
What do you think a
Pastor/Preacher/Priest/Rabbi/Spiritual Leader
is suppose to teach you???
I will tell you, plain and simple…
The Word Of God…
Any Religious Leader who does not proclaim the
Word of God to the people, is not worthy of the calling by God.
And that person will answer directly to Almighty God for how they
responded to the calling or if they attempted to please the people.
And you, as an individual will answer to Almighty God
for not making an effort to seek the Truth.
I realize, you may think I’m a very cruel, hard and mean person
for being so direct. In reality, I’m just the opposite.
Because of the Love of God within my soul,
I am actually concern for other people.
Please try to understand.
Our life on this earth only lasts for a few moments, then we pass away into the next life.
Make the most of your life, towards Spiritual Growth, while you still have the time.
You only get to live once in this Earth Life…
Why not get what you need to help you in preparing you for
the next life???  The Eternal Spiritual Life…
Is your Religious/Spiritual Leader
stealing the Word of God from you???
Of Course, the person is!!!
If the person is not Teaching the Word of God!!!
Let Me Ask You A Question:
Are You Really Seeking to Understand the Word of God???
Of Every Belief, Faith or Thought…
You Will Appear Before Jesus Christ at His Judgment Seat as a Saved Soul.
You Will Appear At The Great White Throne of God as a Lost Soul.
You Will Give An Account of Your Life.
You Will Give An Account of Your Preaching and/or Influence upon Other People.
It will be in Your best interest to make sure You are
preaching/teaching the Truth!!!
If You Do Not Know The Truth…Then Spend Time Finding It…
Because, You will give an account to Almighty God!!!
Hebrews 9:  [27] And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
Romans 14: 10b:  For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.
II Corinthians 5:10:  [10] For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
Revelation 20:   [10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
[11] And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
[12] And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
[13] And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
[14] And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
[15] And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
     Please take this Spiritual Warning:
                                 1.  Deacon, you will also give an account of your life on Judgment Day.
                                 2.  Church Leader, you will also give an account of your life on Judgment Day.
                                 3.  Church Member, you will also give an account of your life on Judgment Day.
                                 4. Saved Soul, you will also give an account of your life on Judgment Day.
                                 5. Lost Soul, you will also give an account of your life on Judgment Day.
What Are You Doing To Prepare For The Judgment Day???
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
     This is just a quick thought… I believe when The Great Tribulation Period really begins to happen with all the earthquake and volcanic activity, there are going to be a lot of people “turn against” “religious leaders” who have failed to tell them the truth. Although I’m not a pastor, of a local assembly/church, even though, I would like to be, in order to be able to more directly teach people, I am an individual who is trying to provide information about The Great Tribulation Period, to whomever may be interested in it. If you are a “religious leader,” you would be wise to get with the program and begin telling people the truth. At least encourage them to learn about the possibility of having to go through this time period, in the next few years.Yes, I said, in the next few years!!! Because, there is so much evidence supporting the fact that it will happen soon. That is the primary reason for this Website. In addition, it’s to provide Biblical Knowledge and Truth, which the Audio Sermons can do, as they are a great treasure chest of golden nuggets.
     As a “religious leader,” I believe you will be mighty ashamed, when this Tribulation begins and you have ignored the subject or else told people they were going to be taken out of this life before it happens. This only applies to the “Spiritually Saved By The Grace of God as Christian Believers.” The non-Christian believer (the spiritually dead/lost person) will of course, either survive or die during this time period. Yes, even the “Christians” are going through most, at least a good 97%, that is, minus the 45 days of the Wrath of God, of the  full 1,290 days of The Great Tribulation Period.
     If you are a “religious leader” don’t be surprised, if the people “turn against” you, because you have lied to them. Yes, I mean lied, lied, lied… You have been warned… if you are reading this. Although, I doubt very many “religious leaders” will take any heed to such a warning. Most “religious leaders” are going to tell the people just what they want to hear. After all, otherwise, they would not still be in the position or at least the majority, because the people themselves, would not put up with such preaching. Well, it’s the truth, isn’t it??? What about you??? Do you desire to know the Truth or will you settle for fables and lies??? Well, I’ll tell you something… Very, very soon, you will find out who’s telling the Truth. At least I’m trying to tell you, the Truth… What about your “Religious Leader”???